Non-Specific Low back pain Management 5CPD Credits

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  • 2 students enrolled

Non-Specific Low back pain Management 5CPD Credits

age <20 y.O , male gender, iridocyclitis; peripheral arthritis; inflam. Bowel disease, nocturaal pain, morning stiffnes >1h ; pain reduced when lying down or exercising; good response to NSAIDS and increased ESR

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  • (1 Reviews)
  • 2 students enrolled
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Course Content

1 sections • 1 lectures •
Non-Specific Low back pain Management 5CPD Credits


  • In order to start learning you need a working computer or Smart phone, you need a strong internet, and you are also required to complete the course before jumping to the Quiz.


age <20 y.O , male gender, iridocyclitis;
peripheral arthritis; inflam. Bowel disease, nocturaal pain, morning
stiffnes >1h ; pain reduced when lying down or exercising; good
response to NSAIDS and increased ESR

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