Nurses and Midwives

Course for Nurses and Midwives

  • 25000.00RWF/day
  • 40000.00RWF/day


  • After completion of each course you get it's certificate 

Courses In Bundle

  10 courses
Child deaths from leading infectious disease have declined rapidly, with immunization playing a critical role. Immunization is one of the most effective interventions against infectious diseases and is estimated to prevent 2-3 million deaths annually, with an additional 1.5 million deaths that could be averted with improvements in global vaccination coverage
Family planning is defined as the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing/timing of their births. It is central to gender equality and women’s empowerment, and it is a key factor in reducing poverty.
Adolescence is a phase in an individual's life, rather than a fixed time period: It is a phase during which rapid physical and psychological growth and development occur. It is a phase in which there are enormous changes in social relationships, expectations, roles and responsibilities.
Health promotion is an important component of nursing practice • It is a way of thinking that revolves around a philosophy of wholeness ,wellness and well- being
Infection prevention and control (IPC) is a practical, evidence-based approach which prevents patients and health workers from being harmed by avoidable infection and as a result of antimicrobial resistance. No one should catch an infection while receiving health care that's why we must deliver clean, quality care for all, through IPC best practices.
Midwifery and nursing are distinct and complementary professions Each providing specialized knowledge and expertise Nurses and midwives can contribute to safe, satisfying experiences for the clients and families for whom they care
Abortion complications are among the major reasons women seek emergency obstetric care. Post abortion care (PAC) consists of emergency treatment for complications related to spontaneous or induced abortions, family planning and birth spacing counseling, and provision of family planning methods for the prevention of further mistimed or unplanned pregnancies that may result in repeat induced abortions.
Worldwide, the incidence of preeclampsia and eclampsia varies country to country, and it is estimated that it affects between 2% and 10% of pregnancies every year.
This course is intended to equip the trainee (health care professional in practices) with knowledge contributing to the understanding and analysis of main concepts of ethics and enhancement of the abilities to address ethical challenges in health care.
The spread of an infection within a community is described as a “chain,” several interconnected steps that describe how a pathogen moves about. Infection control and contact tracing are meant to break the chain, preventing a pathogen from spreading. Enroll to this course and learn more.