Natural history of disease refers to the progression of a disease process in an individual over time, in the absence of treat..
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Drug resistance surveillance has not been widely done, with only 22 of the 46 countries reporting drug resistance data by 20..
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Communicable diseases are a public concern from global perspective. The developing countries are faced with double burden of..
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La santé communautaire fait partie intégrante de la santé publique constituant une stratégie au sein des démarches de promoti..
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Malaria is a very widespread disease in the tropics and subtropics regions of the world including Africa. It affects over 650..
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Les obstacles sont évitables et toutes les communications en contiennent. Il est impossible de les éliminer totalement, mais..
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La tuberculose multirésistante est une forme de la maladie due à un bacille ne réagissant pas à l'isoniazide et à la rifampic..
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To ensure that patients receive the best healthcare , their clinical management and treatment need to be informed by the cur..
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Case definition in epidemiology, set of criteria used in making a decision as to whether an individual has a disease/health e..
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Epidemiological investigations can provide strong evidence linking exposure to the incidence of infection or disease in a pop..
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