Worldwide, the incidence of preeclampsia and eclampsia varies country to country, and it is estimated that it affects between..
Tumor markers are biomarkers found in the blood, urine, or body tissues that can be elevated by the presence of one or more t..
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Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is testing that measures the amount of certain medicines in your blood. It is done to make..
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Neonatal infections are infections of the neonate (newborn) acquired during prenatal development or in the first four weeks o..
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Skin has 3 layers: The epidermis, the outermost layer; provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone. The dermis, b..
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The nursing role, in addition to supporting the medical and surgical interventions related to the gastrointestinal tract, is..
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Skin has 3 layers: The epidermis, the outermost layer; provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone. The dermis, b..
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Une infection est dite néonatale si sa date de survenue se situe entre la naissance et le 28ème jour, quel que soit le germe..
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La peau est le plus grand organe du corps humain et sert de barrière protectrice. Sa santé et son apparence sont déterminés p..
Le suivi thérapeutique consiste à définir la posologie d'un médicament qui doit être administrée en début du traitement, en s..